Sunday, October 10, 2010

Installing Drag Bars On Sportster

, resistant and more resistant. NosTale

Entry made by: Asdemuertes (NosWritter No. 4)

Well, I think this post because I think I was needed. Here I will explain a bit where to find resistance as factories, what kind of resistance there and how they divide.
. Before lvl 45 I believe that you do not need a super resistant.

go on.

First start was made to explain how the resistance, Malcolm mix our great * friend * (many know, yes, the one that steals our money and walk resistance should not be lining the bastard @. @) We can help, we just have to go there with a pair of gloves (if not working and not have robbed the plastic used), a little noisy river (which is usually achieved in ts and tso) and a little bit of money. We give two tables where you put resistance (eye aseguraos that the space provided are your lvl, even just a trick that surely some of you know, is a resistance to base your lvl and add another one lvl higher than yours, so you remain a resident which will equip you with better Parameters.

First we have to clarify that resistance can make many types, such as specific resistance for each item or a general resistance (a little of everything, not recommend) or semi-generals who have only resistant to 2 or sa 3elementos which are combining between gloves and boots and semi-generals are eg boots that any items given water + gloves that provide water and a little bright light in an area that largely dominate water but also has light)

And yet I want to say that as Aur ye will do at the end of all resistance, poor and living under a bridge

Another thing to clarify: these are the amounts? No, not those things that do not work out well at first and why your parents beat you ee The sum is the number of times that you combined a glove or boot with another glove or boot recommend doing as much to add 5 where a 50% chance that the combination goes well, the sum 6 and is very risky only 20% chance. Them to survive if you see chuck norris, ah, not that it was 0%.

First, what everyone should have: Resis Lod, for emepezar good resistance and very little hard to find are the boots that sells dark one who is in cahoots with Malcolm mix resistant to steal our guns and money, how many weapons will have been already optimized and uncle when we break and we all faced "OoO" yes, our great * friend * Teoma, Stocking steel that give 5% (risk doing here advise a sum 5, and that failure is not hard to get others) and gloves that can be retrieved to get on the ts 60 6%, Gloves of Darkness (5 Krem Cave) (Ask a friend of the lvl that you take a few, since the ts is not no big deal, I think) after having these resistant spend a little water resistance.

A basic water resistance could be a glove adds 5 Lightning 6% (cave 1 Kremer) and the boots you can get (4% protective boots, I know, not much but as you do not you want to do a combination is not to say) Killing Fairies ice cold tunnel that crossed the cliff or cliff) eye, there also podis find another kind of resistance to kill, but beware if you are little fairies kill lvl fast but stick well.

To find a basic fire resistance the thing is beginning to complicate, boots that are 6% and boots are called heavy material) are normal in Krem west killing or causing the ts 56 of the people Kreme For gloves you can find them by the spiral labyrinth ts 50 E to reach the spiral maze I ought to go to den fernon give 5%)

Now, the basic resistance of light, wind boots that give 5% and can also be found in the spiral maze (do not remember which was O_o), if that many lvl 50 mazes fear spirals which run for your life that you do not have good resistance and the mobs you viol .. I say invite you to tea! ^ ^ U and gloves quicker than you can get the ts 42 5% giving birth in fernon.

Now, as I said before I recommend going combining specific types of resistance in semi-general.

Here's an example of semi-general resistance:

the Majority
general resistance semi-normal glacernon get killed, yes, the place where supposedly all going to kill herself but what they really want is ****** with penguins (the resistance could be eg, gloves and boots alba midnight yet there are more)

Eye! I recommend that you see a combination of gloves or boots to when you can because they are effective bastanet and materials are not as difficult or expensive to find as the combination b giving 10% and 7% combined to give it a good choice.

Note that there are elements that are also resistant x mask such a great attachment to my opinion! xD
Now clear that I will explain in which situations and localities should use a resistance, first to pvp almost always or semi-specific or general, the same for glace.

Now when you are in a general map ought to see which is the majority element and match such a resistance, Krem example in this light and some dark (there are also water tortus and pigs but many people those not interested and so I do not show)

Well, I think I explained enough if I forgot to put something wrong or do I have any information let me know! xD


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